Mr. Nieto completes the Basic Laboratory and Biosecurity Course (BLBBC) by the National Training Center for Biosafety and Biosecurity - National Institutes of Health, UP Manila
Peterson Jerome Nieto, MS Microbiology student and University Research Associate (URA) of UP Natural Sciences Research Institute/METAS Lab, completed the Basic Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity Course (BLBBC) on November 25-29, 2024 in Manila. The 5-day training conducted by the National Training Center for Biosafety and Biosecurity – National Institutes of Health (NIH), University of the Philippines (UP) Manila, aims to promote significant principles in biorisk management and develop skills in the safe handling of biological hazards in the laboratory.
This representation in the BLBBC is part of METAS Lab’s continuing effort to improve its biosafety practices.
This representation in the BLBBC is part of METAS Lab’s continuing effort to improve its biosafety practices.
Mr. Nieto attends the Cetacean First Response, Veterinary Medical Management, and
Necropsy Training
Peterson Jerome Nieto, MS Microbiology student and University Research Associate (URA) of UP Natural Sciences Research Institute/METAS Lab, attended the Cetacean First Response, Veterinary Medical Management, and Necropsy Training on November 21-23, 2024 held at the DMMMSU-North La Union Campus (NLUC) in Bacnotan, La Union.
The training aimed to equip the first responders with the proper knowledge and skills when handling actual marine mammal stranding events, and strengthen the capacity of veterinarians to effectively respond to marine mammals. The three-day event involved the discussion of the techniques for handling, transportation, and morphometrics, and hands-on simulation activities such as transportation, intubation, and emergency first response (EFR).
The training was sponsored by the Fisheries Resource Management Section (FRMS) under the Fisheries Management, Regulatory, and Enforcement Division (FMRED), in collaboration with the Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN) who provided the expertise to address the challenges of marine mammal strandings.
Photo credits:
The training aimed to equip the first responders with the proper knowledge and skills when handling actual marine mammal stranding events, and strengthen the capacity of veterinarians to effectively respond to marine mammals. The three-day event involved the discussion of the techniques for handling, transportation, and morphometrics, and hands-on simulation activities such as transportation, intubation, and emergency first response (EFR).
The training was sponsored by the Fisheries Resource Management Section (FRMS) under the Fisheries Management, Regulatory, and Enforcement Division (FMRED), in collaboration with the Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN) who provided the expertise to address the challenges of marine mammal strandings.
Photo credits:
Ms. San Diego participates in the 21st Asian Consortium for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Microbial Resources Meeting (ACM21)
Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego, Ph.D. student of the METAS Lab, presented her research during the 21st Asian Consortium for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Microbial Resources Meeting (ACM21) held in Bangkok, Thailand on November 19-21, 2024.
Her study on “Microbial Genetic Resource in the Sludge” investigated and confirmed the presence of diverse types of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) in select wastewater treatment plants in the Philippines, highlighting the need for continuous local surveillance to manage and mitigate antimicrobial resistance (AMR) effectively.
The ACM promotes collaboration among government or public organizations in Asian countries to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of microbial resources in Asia.
Her study on “Microbial Genetic Resource in the Sludge” investigated and confirmed the presence of diverse types of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) in select wastewater treatment plants in the Philippines, highlighting the need for continuous local surveillance to manage and mitigate antimicrobial resistance (AMR) effectively.
The ACM promotes collaboration among government or public organizations in Asian countries to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of microbial resources in Asia.
Ceremonial Signing of Agreement for Collaboration with Manila Water
A ceremonial signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between Manila Water Company, Inc. (MWCI) and the Removal of Excess Nutrients and Endocrine Disruptors from Wastewater (RENEW) DOST-GIA Program of the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) was held on November 22, 2024 at the MWSS Administration Building in Quezon City.
The RENEW Program is a collaboration among laboratories in UP Diliman, namely the Environmental Protection Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, the METAS Lab and Regen Lab of the Institute of Biology, and the Air and Water Management Center of the Institute of Chemistry, both under the College of Science. MWCI is one of the RENEW program’s industry partners. The program generally aims to help improve wastewater treatment capability in the Philippines, and encompasses three projects:
Project 1: Post-Wastewater Treatment Determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds for Interventions (POST-EDCs)
Project 2: Microbial Community Composition and Function for the Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater Treatment (Implemented by the METAS Lab and Regen Lab, IB UPD)
Project 3: Functional Microbial Community Contained as Granules and Biofilm in Aerobic-Anaerobic Bioprocess Systems for Removal of Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater
The RENEW Program is a collaboration among laboratories in UP Diliman, namely the Environmental Protection Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, the METAS Lab and Regen Lab of the Institute of Biology, and the Air and Water Management Center of the Institute of Chemistry, both under the College of Science. MWCI is one of the RENEW program’s industry partners. The program generally aims to help improve wastewater treatment capability in the Philippines, and encompasses three projects:
Project 1: Post-Wastewater Treatment Determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds for Interventions (POST-EDCs)
Project 2: Microbial Community Composition and Function for the Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater Treatment (Implemented by the METAS Lab and Regen Lab, IB UPD)
Project 3: Functional Microbial Community Contained as Granules and Biofilm in Aerobic-Anaerobic Bioprocess Systems for Removal of Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater
Analiza Rollon, Ph.D. (Program and Project Leader, RENEW Project 3), Maria Pythias Espino, Ph.D. (Project Leader, RENEW Project 1), Marjorie Baynosa, Ph.D. (Chairperson, UPD Department of Chemical Engineering), Michael Velarde, Ph.D. (Deputy Director for Research and Extension, IB, & Proj. Staff Level II, RENEW Project 2), Lilian Jennifer Rodriguez, Ph.D. (OIC-Dean, UPD College of Science), Carl Michael Odulio, Ph.D. (UPD Vice Chancellor for Research and Development), Joemar Emboltorio (Director, Operations Group, MWCI), Evangeline Clemente (Director, Strategic Asset Management Group, MWCI), Morena Beronio (Laboratory Services Department Head, MWCI), Eddie Aldrin Lumangaya (Innovations Department Head, MWCI), Donna Eloisa Cabalona-Perez (Wastewater Operations Head, MWCI), Emmanuel P. Jimenez, Innovations Program Manager, and other Managers and Wastewater Operations personnel of MWCI, as well as the RENEW Research Associates and project staff attended the ceremony.
METAS Lab participates in the 11th Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network Symposium
METAS Lab students, Mr. Peterson Jerome Nieto (M.S. Microbiology) and Ms. Chricel Lattao (Ph.D. in Biology specializing in Microbiology) presented the poster “Tackling CeMV: Bridging Veterinary Expertise and Marine Conservation” while Mr. Christian Mark Guyo (Ph.D. in Biology specializing in Microbiology) presented the poster “Microplastics Research in Cetaceans”.
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan gave the plenary talk “Intersection of Human and Ocean Health - Pathogens and Stranded Marine Mammals” which provided the current state of knowledge about the microbial associations of Philippine cetaceans.
The symposium, which was held on November 7-10, 2024 at Malay, Aklan with the theme “Advancing Beyond Partnership with BFAR and LGUs: PMMSN’s 19 Years of Service” aimed to strengthen the partnership between BFAR and its stakeholders to promote marine conservation.
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan gave the plenary talk “Intersection of Human and Ocean Health - Pathogens and Stranded Marine Mammals” which provided the current state of knowledge about the microbial associations of Philippine cetaceans.
The symposium, which was held on November 7-10, 2024 at Malay, Aklan with the theme “Advancing Beyond Partnership with BFAR and LGUs: PMMSN’s 19 Years of Service” aimed to strengthen the partnership between BFAR and its stakeholders to promote marine conservation.
Dr. Obusan while giving the plenary talk (left) and receiving a plaque of appreciation from the Regional Director of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 6 (right) during the 11th PMMSN National Symposium
(Photo credit: BFAR Region 6
(Photo credit: BFAR Region 6
Mr. Guyo’s presented poster on “Microplastics Research in Cetaceans” (left), and Ms. Lattao and Mr. Nieto’s poster on cetacean morbillivirus detection (right) (Photo credit: BFAR Region 6
Ceremonial Signing of Agreement for Collaboration with Maynilad
A ceremonial signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the Maynilad Water Services, Inc. and the Removal of Excess Nutrients and Endocrine Disruptors from Wastewater (RENEW) DOST-GIA Program of the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) was held on October 17, 2024 at the National Engineering Center, University of the Philippines Diliman.
The RENEW Program is a collaboration among laboratories in UP Diliman, namely the Environmental Protection Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, the METAS Lab and Regen Lab of the Institute of Biology, and the Air and Water Management Center of the Institute of Chemistry, both under the College of Science. Maynilad is one of RENEW program’s industry partners. The program generally aims to help improve wastewater treatment capability in the Philippines, and encompasses three projects:
Project 1: Post-Wastewater Treatment Determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds for Interventions (POST-EDCs)
Project 2: Microbial Community Composition and Function for the Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater Treatment (Implemented by the METAS Lab and Regen Lab, IB UPD)
Project 3: Functional Microbial Community Contained as Granules and Biofilm in Aerobic-Anaerobic Bioprocess Systems for Removal of Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater
The RENEW Program is a collaboration among laboratories in UP Diliman, namely the Environmental Protection Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, the METAS Lab and Regen Lab of the Institute of Biology, and the Air and Water Management Center of the Institute of Chemistry, both under the College of Science. Maynilad is one of RENEW program’s industry partners. The program generally aims to help improve wastewater treatment capability in the Philippines, and encompasses three projects:
Project 1: Post-Wastewater Treatment Determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds for Interventions (POST-EDCs)
Project 2: Microbial Community Composition and Function for the Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater Treatment (Implemented by the METAS Lab and Regen Lab, IB UPD)
Project 3: Functional Microbial Community Contained as Granules and Biofilm in Aerobic-Anaerobic Bioprocess Systems for Removal of Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater
Analiza P. Rollon, Ph.D. (Program and Project Leader, RENEW Project 3), Maria Antonia N. Tanchuling, Ph.D. (Dean, UPD College of Engineering), Marjorie L. Baynosa, Ph.D. (Chairperson, UPD Department of Chemical Engineering), Marlon T. Conato, Ph.D. (Director, UPD Institute of Chemistry), Carl Michael F. Odulio, Ph.D. (UPD Vice Chancellor for Research and Development), Gian Carlo P. Reyes (Head, Research, Assessment, and Special Projects WATERLab, Maynilad), Christine T. Bagsik (Assistant Vice President, WATERLab Head, Maynilad), Atty. Roel S. Espiritu (Vice President and Head, Quality, Sustainability and Resiliency, Maynilad), and the RENEW research associates attended the ceremony.
29th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association for Biology Education (AABE 2024)
Theme: "Perspectives for Global Well-being: Biology Education in the Integrated Learning"
Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan of the METAS Lab, Institute of Biology, UP Diliman attended the 29th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association for Biology Education (ABBE 2024) held on October 12-14, 2024 at Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan. She delivered the talk "Opportunities for Internalization of Biology Research during the Pandemic and Beyond: the Microbiology Curriculum Perspective".
ABBE is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to the advancement of biology education and the dissemination of information relating to biology education. |
The Biology Teachers Association of the Philippines team attended AABE 2024.
BIOTA Workshop 2024: In Silico Techniques for Designing Antibiotics from Natural Compounds for Fish Bacterial Infections
METAS Lab members Mr. Leomir Diaz (Senior Research Specialist), Ms. Jacklyn Tolentino (MS student), Mr. Kenneth Bagay (MS student), and Mr. Elcid Valeriano (MS student), attended the Two-Day Workshop on the “In Silico Techniques for Designing Antibiotics from Natural Compounds for Fish Bacterial Infections", held last 6-7 October 2024 at the Computational Science Research Center (CSRC), College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD).
The event was sponsored by the Biology Teachers Association (BIOTA) Philippines in collaboration with the UP Diliman CSRC and the UPD Good ViBEs Lab. The workshop is relevant to research efforts on antimicrobial resistance.
The event was sponsored by the Biology Teachers Association (BIOTA) Philippines in collaboration with the UP Diliman CSRC and the UPD Good ViBEs Lab. The workshop is relevant to research efforts on antimicrobial resistance.
ANRRC 2024 Annual Meeting
Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan of METAS Laboratory delivered the talk "Microbial Resources and Profiles of Mega Manila's Water System and Facilities" at the 15th International Annual Meeting of the Asian Network of Research Resource Centers (ANRRC 2024) being held at the Science and Technology Convention Center, Seoul, South Korea.
The talk highlighted the findings of the following METAS Lab projects:
The talk highlighted the findings of the following METAS Lab projects:
- Water assessment of teratogens and endocrine disruptors on fetal-maternal health (Water-FeMaH): Project 1-Microbial communities as sentinels of environmental pollutants in Metro Manila's drinking water resources. (Funded by the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development)
- Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine disruptors from Wastewater (RENEW): Project 2-Microbial Community Composition and Function for the Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater Treatment (Funded by the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development)
METAS Lab advisees, Ms. Cielo Relucio-San Diego and Mr. Rafael Eugenio, also attended ANRRC 2024, representing their lab, the Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL) of the Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI), UP Diliman, with Mr. Paul Christian Gloria and Dr. Maria Auxillia Siringan, Head of MRSL and Board Member of ANRRC.
Photo Credits: Korea Model Animal Priority Center, ANRRC 2024 Organizing Team, and MRSL Team
Photo Credits: Korea Model Animal Priority Center, ANRRC 2024 Organizing Team, and MRSL Team
Philippine Society of Microbiology (PSM) Convention 2024
METAS Lab members, along with their Principal Investigators Dr. Jessica F. Simbahan and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan, attended the 53rd Philippine Society for Microbiology (PSM) Convention held at the University of St. Lasalle, Bacolod City last July 18-19, 2024.
Non-competing posters included the presentation of the studies:
"Antimicrobial resistance profiles and virulence genes of Gram-negative bacteria isolated from wastewater treatment facilities", presented by Mr. Ren Mark Villanueva, on behalf of his co-authors: METAS Lab BS Biology graduate Mr. John Nash Guzon, METAS Lab research associates Mr. Leomir Diaz, Mr. Jobriell Baluyot, Ms. Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, and Ms. Jamaica Caras, METAS Lab Ph.D. student Ms. Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego, Regen Lab Principal Investigator Dr. Michael Velarde, and METAS Lab-Aquatic Principal Investigator, Dr. Marie Christine Obusan
"Melanin production and whole genome sequence analysis of bacterium isolated from the Marilao-Meycauayan-Obando River System (MMORS), Bulacan", presented by Ms. Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, on behalf of her co-authors METAS Lab MS graduate Mr. Aroin Verdera, METAS Lab Ph.D. graduate Dr. Arizaldo Castro, METAS Lab collaborator Dr. Kohsuke Honde, and METAS Lab-Aquatic Principal Investigator Dr. Marie Christine Obusan
"Melanin production and whole genome sequence analysis of bacterium isolated from the Marilao-Meycauayan-Obando River System (MMORS), Bulacan", presented by Ms. Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, on behalf of her co-authors METAS Lab MS graduate Mr. Aroin Verdera, METAS Lab Ph.D. graduate Dr. Arizaldo Castro, METAS Lab collaborator Dr. Kohsuke Honde, and METAS Lab-Aquatic Principal Investigator Dr. Marie Christine Obusan
Competing posters included the presentation of the studies:
"Community profiling of bacteria associated with Polypheretima jenniferae, a newly described Pheretimoid earthworm species (Crassiclitellata: Megascolecidae) from Puerto Princessa, Palawan, Philippines", presented by METAS Lab Ph.D. graduate Ms. Maria Reynalen Mapile, on behalf of her co-author METAS Lab-Aquatic Principal Investigator Dr. Marie Christine Obusan
"Lysinibacillus sp. L6E-MFD is a competitive mutant from cave bacterium for microbial production of calcium carbonate", presented by METAS Lab MS graduate Mr. Andrei John Salem, on behalf of his co-authors METAS Lab M.S. graduate Ms. Sarah Jean Supnet, and METAS Lab-Terrestrial Principal Investigator, Dr. Jessica Simbahan. Mr. Salem's poster was awarded 3rd place for the Best Poster Award.
"Lysinibacillus sp. L6E-MFD is a competitive mutant from cave bacterium for microbial production of calcium carbonate", presented by METAS Lab MS graduate Mr. Andrei John Salem, on behalf of his co-authors METAS Lab M.S. graduate Ms. Sarah Jean Supnet, and METAS Lab-Terrestrial Principal Investigator, Dr. Jessica Simbahan. Mr. Salem's poster was awarded 3rd place for the Best Poster Award.
Best Paper Competition:
"From source to supply: Bacterial community profiles of drinking water resources and distribution supply in Mega Manila, Philippines", presented by METAS Lab PhD graduate, Mr. Arizaldo Castro on behalf of his co-author, METAS Lab-Aquatic Principal Investigator, Dr. Marie Christine Obusan. Mr. Castro was a finalist for the Best Paper Competition.
Cetacean Pathology Training and Workshop
METAS Lab, in collaboration with the Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN), Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP), Philippine Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA), and Marine Mammal Research and Conservation Laboratory conducted a Cetacean Pathology and Training Workshop on June 24, 2024, at the Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM), University of the Philippines Diliman.
The effort, which involved veterinarians from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and other agencies and organizations, is part of the implementation of a research project on cetacean health surveillance which is funded by the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) through its Marine Resources Research Division - PCAARRD.
The effort, which involved veterinarians from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and other agencies and organizations, is part of the implementation of a research project on cetacean health surveillance which is funded by the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) through its Marine Resources Research Division - PCAARRD.
DOST-PCAARRD Inception Meeting
The Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) Marine Resources Research Division (MRRD) convened with the cetacean team of the Microbial Ecology of Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems (METAS) Laboratory for the inception of the newly funded project on cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) surveillance in the Philippines. The project is a collaborative research effort with the Marine Mammal Research and Conservation Laboratory of the Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM).
The joint inception meeting for METAS Lab of the Institute of Biology (IB) and the Microbial Oceanography Lab of Marine Science Institute MSI) was held at MSI, College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) on June 21, 2024. It brought together experts and representatives from DOST and UPD to discuss the implementation plan and administrative management of the two projects. Following the successful inception meeting, the PCAARRD team took a guided tour of the METAS Lab facility in IB.
The joint inception meeting for METAS Lab of the Institute of Biology (IB) and the Microbial Oceanography Lab of Marine Science Institute MSI) was held at MSI, College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) on June 21, 2024. It brought together experts and representatives from DOST and UPD to discuss the implementation plan and administrative management of the two projects. Following the successful inception meeting, the PCAARRD team took a guided tour of the METAS Lab facility in IB.
MALDI-TOF Training Workshop
Upgrading knowledge and skills in microbial taxonomy and systematics
METAS Lab Senior Research Associates Ms. Jamaica Ann Caras, and Mr. Ren Mark Villanueva, and Co-Lab Head Dr. Marie Christine Obusan participated in the workshop “EXS2600 MALDI-TOF MS Microbial Identification System: Novel Approach for Microbial Identification from Routine to Research", hosted by the Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL)- Natural Sciences Research Institute, College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman in partnership with RainPhil Inc. and Zybio Philippines last June 6, 2024.
Participants included MRSL staff, faculty, and research staff from the University of the Philippines Diliman, University of the Philippines Los Baños, University of the Philippines Manila, University of Santo Tomas, De La Salle University, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Official), and Trinity University of Asia.
METAS Lab Senior Research Associates Ms. Jamaica Ann Caras, and Mr. Ren Mark Villanueva, and Co-Lab Head Dr. Marie Christine Obusan participated in the workshop “EXS2600 MALDI-TOF MS Microbial Identification System: Novel Approach for Microbial Identification from Routine to Research", hosted by the Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL)- Natural Sciences Research Institute, College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman in partnership with RainPhil Inc. and Zybio Philippines last June 6, 2024.
Participants included MRSL staff, faculty, and research staff from the University of the Philippines Diliman, University of the Philippines Los Baños, University of the Philippines Manila, University of Santo Tomas, De La Salle University, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Official), and Trinity University of Asia.
For more information about MRSL and their offered services and workshops, visit their Facebook page:
Photo Credits: Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL)
Photo Credits: Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL)
CS Research Innovation Fair 2024
The UP Diliman College of Science Research Innovation Fair 2024 with the theme, “Harnessing the Power of Research and Innovation Towards Sustainable Development”, was held on April 29 to 30, 2024 at the Institute of Biology Auditorium. METAS Lab’s RENEW Project 2 Team presented their Value Proposition Statement for “GO A-WASTE”.
The team is composed of Mr. Jobriell Baluyot, Mr. Leomir Diaz, Mr. Ren Mark Villanueva, Ms. Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, Ms. Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego, Dr. Michael Velarde, and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan.
The team is composed of Mr. Jobriell Baluyot, Mr. Leomir Diaz, Mr. Ren Mark Villanueva, Ms. Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, Ms. Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego, Dr. Michael Velarde, and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan.
METAS Lab currently implements the project "Microbial Community Composition and Function for the Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater Treatment" under the research program "Removal of Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors from Wastewater Treatment (RENEW). RENEW Program is funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) through its Grants-In-Aid (GIA) Program, and is monitored by the DOST-Philippines Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD). Mr. Gian Carlo Reyes of Maynilad (one of the collaborators of the RENEW Project) was present as one of the Research Adoptors during the Fair.
METAS Lab participated in 2024's BIOTA58 in Boracay Island, Philippines. BIOTA58’s theme was "Immersive Technologies: Transforming Biology and Biology Education" and was supported by the DOST PCAARRD as represented by Marine Resources Research Division - PCAARRD’s Director, Dr. Mari-Ann Acedera, and Ms. Maria Adela Corpuz as well as LRD Technical Staff. PCAARRD’s Marine Resources Research Division supports METAS Lab’s ongoing cetacean health surveillance project headed by Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan.
The research staff of the program “Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors from Wastewater (RENEW) Program” met with the Special Technical Assessment Team for the Environment (STAKE) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on March 12, 2024 at the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), DENR Central Office, Quezon City.
The meeting aimed to discuss the ways by which the outputs of the program may be used as the basis for crafting recommendations or guidelines relevant to wastewater treatment and regulation in the country.
METAS Lab implements RENEW Program’s Project 2: Microbial community composition and function for the removal of excess nitrogen and endocrine disruptors in wastewater treatment. RENEW Program is funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) through its Grants-In-Aid (GIA) Program, and monitored by the DOST-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD).
The meeting aimed to discuss the ways by which the outputs of the program may be used as the basis for crafting recommendations or guidelines relevant to wastewater treatment and regulation in the country.
METAS Lab implements RENEW Program’s Project 2: Microbial community composition and function for the removal of excess nitrogen and endocrine disruptors in wastewater treatment. RENEW Program is funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) through its Grants-In-Aid (GIA) Program, and monitored by the DOST-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD).
Photo by Dr. Analiza Rollon
IVSA - Los Baños 2023
Metas Lab Research Fellow, Ms. Jamaica Ann Caras, served as one of the guest speakers for the three-part seminar series “Conversations on Conservation: The Marine Life”, hosted by the International Veterinary Student Association (IVSA) - Los Baños Chapter last October 24 2023 at the UP College of Veterinary Medicine, UP Los Baños. Ms. Caras presented the lecture “Microbiological Studies in Marine Mammals”, highlighting antibiotic resistance and virulence genes of bacteria isolated from stranded cetaceans in the Philippines, which were also the topics of her Master's thesis.
Photos by IVSA Los Baños
PSCB 2023
Poster presentation at the Philippine Society for Cell Biology 6th International and 14th Annual National Scientific Meeting held in Baguio Convention and Cultural Center, Baguio City
Mr. Leomir Diaz presented the study "Phenol degradation, ammonia and 17β-estradiol assimilation by STM P20, a bacterium isolated from a poultry wastewater treatment facility" on behalf of his co-authors Jobriell Baluyot, Ren Mark Villanueva, Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego, Dr. Michael Velarde, and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan.
Mr. Leomir Diaz presented the study "Phenol degradation, ammonia and 17β-estradiol assimilation by STM P20, a bacterium isolated from a poultry wastewater treatment facility" on behalf of his co-authors Jobriell Baluyot, Ren Mark Villanueva, Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego, Dr. Michael Velarde, and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan.
ANRRC 2023
METAS Lab Poster Presentations at the Asian Network of Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) 2023 Meeting:
"Bacterial community composition of select freshwater resources in Mega Manila, Philippines: Potential activities and interactions for various applications" by METAS Lab members Jamaica Ann Caras, Arizaldo Castro, Marie Christine Obusan with Manila Water Company, Inc. (MWCI) collaborators Jonathan Carlo Dulatre, Therese Gail Aquino, Carlo Chantilly Rey Esperanza, and Emmanuel Jimenez
"Bacterial metagenome-assembled genomes from a poultry wastewater treatment plant reveal high biosynthetic capabilities" by Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego, Leomir Diaz, Jobriell Baluyot, Ren Mark Villanueva, Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, Michael Velarde, and Marie Christine Obusan
"Bacterial community composition of select freshwater resources in Mega Manila, Philippines: Potential activities and interactions for various applications" by METAS Lab members Jamaica Ann Caras, Arizaldo Castro, Marie Christine Obusan with Manila Water Company, Inc. (MWCI) collaborators Jonathan Carlo Dulatre, Therese Gail Aquino, Carlo Chantilly Rey Esperanza, and Emmanuel Jimenez
"Bacterial metagenome-assembled genomes from a poultry wastewater treatment plant reveal high biosynthetic capabilities" by Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego, Leomir Diaz, Jobriell Baluyot, Ren Mark Villanueva, Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, Michael Velarde, and Marie Christine Obusan
ANRRC 2023 was hosted by the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) and Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing, China. METAS Lab members attended virtually.
23rd PNMCC Annual Symposium
METAS Lab Participation in the recently held 23rd Philippine Network of Microbial Culture Collections (PNMCC)
Annual Symposium
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan gave the lecture “Multilocus sequence typing for characterization and surveillance of emerging pathogens”.
Annual Symposium
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan gave the lecture “Multilocus sequence typing for characterization and surveillance of emerging pathogens”.
METAS Lab members also participated in the poster session:
Ms. Mary Ann Relucio-San Diego (Ph.D. student), on behalf of her co-authors, presented their study “Secrets of the Activated Sludge: Insights Into Microbial Diversity and Functions from Metagenome-assembled Genomes in a Poultry Wastewater Treatment System”, under the Competing Category. Ms. San Diego’s study was one of the finalists for the Best Poster Award.
Ms. Mary Ann Relucio-San Diego (Ph.D. student), on behalf of her co-authors, presented their study “Secrets of the Activated Sludge: Insights Into Microbial Diversity and Functions from Metagenome-assembled Genomes in a Poultry Wastewater Treatment System”, under the Competing Category. Ms. San Diego’s study was one of the finalists for the Best Poster Award.
Ms. Hanna Hasmin Estadilla (M.S. student), on behalf of her co-authors, presented their study “Complete genome sequence of isolate H28 recovered from the Meycauayan River, Philippines” under the Non-Competing Category.
Lastly, METAS Laboratory presented the poster “Establishing Microbial Culture Collection from Aquatic Sentinels:
Potentials and Directions of IB-MCCAquaS”, featuring the METAS Lab culture collection.
Lastly, METAS Laboratory presented the poster “Establishing Microbial Culture Collection from Aquatic Sentinels:
Potentials and Directions of IB-MCCAquaS”, featuring the METAS Lab culture collection.
METAS Lab members, Dr. Marie Christine Obusan (co-laboratory head) Ms. Jamaica Ann Caras (research fellow), Mr. Ren Mark Villanueva (science research specialist), and Ms. Hanna Hasmin Estadilla (research project officer), Mr. Rafael Eugenio (M.S. student), and Ms. Mary Ann Relucio-San Diego (Ph.D. student) along with METAS Lab collaborators and science research specialists Mr. Jobriell Baluyot and Mr. Leomir Diaz, were also inducted as new PNMCC members during the event.
10th PMMSN National Symposium
METAS Lab Participation in the recently held 10th Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN) National Symposium hosted by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (Region III)
Plenary Speaker Dr. Marie Christine Obusan lectured on "Bacteria and virus detection in cetaceans: Laboratory and Field Methods for Surveillance". A poster on "Cetacean Isolates Culture Collection" prepared by METAS Lab Members Jamaica Ann Caras (research fellow) and Ren Mark Villanueva (science research specialist) on behalf of their co-authors, was also presented during the symposium.
37th Philippine Chemistry Congress
On behalf of his co-authors Dr. Marie Christine Obusan and Dr. Michael Velarde, Mr. Jobriell Baluyot presented their study entitled "Monitoring estrogenic and androgenic activities of wastewater from a poultry dressing plant using a promoter-driven luciferase reporter assay system", during the 37th Philippine Chemistry Congress held at the SMX Convention Center, Bacolod City on July 26-28, 2023. This study is part of the project "Microbial community composition and function for the removal of excess nitrogen and endocrine disruptors in wastewater treatment" under the program "Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine disruptors from Wastewater (RENEW), funded by DOST-PCIEERD. Mr. Jobriell Baluyot is a researcher under the METAS Lab, and Regen Lab of Dr. Velarde.
8th International Conference on Natural Products
METAS Lab member Keith Sigfred Ancheta presented their study "Metabolite profiling and bioactivity screening of the novel streptomycete Streptomyces coriariae isolated from the actinorhiza Coriaria intermedia" on behalf of his co-authors Dr. Jessica Simbahan, Dr. Katharina Pawlowski, Dr. Fede Berckx, and Ms. Cyndi Mae Bandong. The international conference was organized by the Asian Society for Natural Products, held on July 25-27, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Mr. Ancheta presented the study under the Graduate Student Oral Presentation. The study was also his M.S. Thesis which he was able to successfully defend last June.
Philippine Society for Microbiology, Inc. 52nd Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting
METAS Lab member, Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego, presented the study titled "Metagenome-assembled genome of Reyranella sp. from the activated sludge of a poultry wastewater treatment plant reveals potentially high biosynthetic capabilities" on behalf of her co-authors Mr. Paul Gloria and Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan.
Ms. San Diego is currently a Ph.D. student under the METAS Laboratory, and is currently a researcher at the Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL), Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI), with Mr. Gloria.
The event was held last July 20-21, 2023 (hybrid/hyflex) in cooperation with the Trinity University of Asia.
Ms. San Diego is currently a Ph.D. student under the METAS Laboratory, and is currently a researcher at the Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL), Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI), with Mr. Gloria.
The event was held last July 20-21, 2023 (hybrid/hyflex) in cooperation with the Trinity University of Asia.
At the same event, METAS Lab student collaborator, Mr. Kouji Suratos, presented the study "Environmental DNA Metabarcoding Reveals Differences in Sediment Bacterial Diversity of Natural and Recolonized Mangroves" on behalf of his co-authors Mr. Paul Christian Gloria, Dr. Marie Christine Obusan, and Dr. Severino G. Salmo III.
Mr. Suratos, a graduate student taking up M.S. Microbiology, is working on his thesis with Dr. Salmo as adviser.
Mr. Suratos, a graduate student taking up M.S. Microbiology, is working on his thesis with Dr. Salmo as adviser.
In photo: the authors, Mr. Suratos and Mr. Gloria
Philippine Association of Marine Science 17th National Symposium
A research poster was presented by METAS Research Associates Ms. Jamaica Ann Caras and Mr. Ren Mark Villanueva for their study "Virulence genes in Enterobacteriaceae isolated from stranded cetaceans in the Philippines", on behalf of their co-authors Dr. Windell Rivera, Dr. Maria Auxilia Siringan, Dr. Lemnuel Aragones, and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan, at the Philippine Association of Marine Science 17th National Symposium on Marine Science.
National Academy of Science and Technology 45th Annual Scientific Meeting
METAS Lab member Mary Ann Cielo Relucio-San Diego presented a poster titled "Microbial Characterization of Different Stages of Wastewater Treatment in a Poultry Farm using 16S rDNA Region Metabarcoding" on behalf of her co-authors Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan, and Mr. Paul Christian T. Gloria. Ms. San Diego is a Ph.D. student under the METAS Laboratory and a researcher at the Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL), Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI) with Mr. Gloria. The event was held last July 12-13, 2023 at The Manila Hotel, with the theme: "Agham at Teknolohiya para sa Demokrasya (Science and Technology for Democracy)".
Check out their poster through this link:
Check out their poster through this link:
51st Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP):
Annual Scientific Conference
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan presented her talk entitled "Marine Mammals as Surveillance Tools for Monitoring Aquatic Ecosystem Health: Lessons from Working with Veterinarians" as part of the Plenary Session: Highlighting the role of veterinarians in the One Health Framework during the 51st VPAP Annual Scientific Conference held last June 8-9, 2023 at the EDSA Shangri-La Manila.
57th BIOTA National Convention & Scientific Sessions
The 57th Biology Teachers Association (BIOTA) National Convention & Scientific Sessions was held last April 27-29 at the De La Salle Santiago Zobel Vermosa Campus. METAS Team members Dr. Marie Christine Obusan, Jamaica Ann Caras, Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, Hannah Marie Hallare, Ren Mark Villanueva, and Keith Sigfred Ancheta were part of the Secretariat and Transportation Committees.
Louella Cueva was awarded 3rd runner-up in the Young Biologists Forum. On behalf of her co-authors, Mr. Arizaldo Castro and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan, Ms. Cueva presented their study entitled "Diversity and metabolic fingerprints of bacterial communities in select drinking water resource sites in Mega Manila, Philippines".
Jeliza Agustin and Fiona Ysabel Aurea Baradi, advisees of Mr. Aroin Verdera from the Department of Biology, UP Manila, and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan also presented their study on "In silico multitarget structure-based drug design of potential direct inhibitors of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and HIF-2α". Ms. Agustin was awarded as the 4th runner-up.
Jeliza Agustin and Fiona Ysabel Aurea Baradi, advisees of Mr. Aroin Verdera from the Department of Biology, UP Manila, and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan also presented their study on "In silico multitarget structure-based drug design of potential direct inhibitors of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and HIF-2α". Ms. Agustin was awarded as the 4th runner-up.
Other presenters during the convention were Mr. Ren Mark Villanueva who presented their study on "Evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for rapid and simple detection of V. parahaemolyticus in oysters from select sites in Central Luzon". His co-authors were Ms. Cielo Paraoan-Villareal, Dr. Pierangeli Vital, and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan. Mr. Arizaldo Castro also presented their study on "Metabolic fingerprints of microbial communities in freshwater systems in Mega Manila, Philippines". His co-authors were Mr. Ren Mark Villanueva, Ms. Margareth del Isagan, Ms. Jamaica Ann Caras, Dr. Jessica Simbahan, and Dr. Marie Christine Obusan.
MRSL-NSRI: Comprehensive Training Workshop on Microbial DNA Barcoding and Genomics
The Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL) of the UP-Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI), UP-Diliman, hosted a Comprehensive Training Workshop on Microbial DNA Barcoding and Genomics. The workshop was held at NSRI last March 28-31, 2023, and included lectures, laboratory work, and hands-on bioinformatics.
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan of METAS Lab shared her experiences on Molecular Bacterial Phylogeny.
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan of METAS Lab shared her experiences on Molecular Bacterial Phylogeny.
Photo Credits: MRSL-NSRI
RENEW Program Launch
The DOST-PCIEERD-funded program “Removal of Excess Nitrogen and Endocrine Disruptors from Wastewater (RENEW)” was officially launched last January 24, 2023. RENEW Program is a collaboration among laboratories in UP Diliman, namely the Environmental Protection Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, the METAS Lab and Regen Lab of the Institute of Biology, and the Air and Water Management Center of the Institute of Chemistry, both under the College of Science. METAS Lab implements the project “Microbial community composition and function for the removal of excess nitrogen and endocrine disruptors in wastewater”. The virtual launch was attended by RENEW personnel, officials from the University of the Philippines Diliman, DOST-PCIEERD, Manila Water Company, Inc., Maynilad Water Services, Inc., Sustamina Agri-Industrial Corp., DENR – EMB, and other stakeholders and industry partners Corp., DENR – EMB, and other stakeholders and industry partners.
METAS Lab-Manila Water Company Inc. Partnership
METAS Laboratory’s collaboration with Manila Water Company Inc. (MWCI) is in the final phase of implementation. The collaborative project is focused on monitoring and improving water quality and involves capacity building.
The METAS Lab- MWCI partnership proves that the academe and private industry can work hand in hand to provide better services to the community.
The METAS Lab- MWCI partnership proves that the academe and private industry can work hand in hand to provide better services to the community.
Medical Management of Stranded Marine Mammals:
Clinicopathologic, Diagnostic Imaging, and Necropsy Training
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan gave talks on "Current research on infectious diseases detection in stranding cetaceans" and "Investigating the cause of death: Natural of human interaction?". The training was hosted by the Marine Mammal Research and Stranding Laboratory, Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology, UP Diliman last September 5-6, 2022.
Visiting Professorship in International Center for Biotechnology,
Osaka University Suita Campus, Japan
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan served as a Visiting Associate Professor at the International Center for Biotechnology, Osaka University, Japan from July 11 to August 5, 2022, as part of the Cross-Appointment Agreement between the University of the Philippines Diliman and Osaka University, Japan. During her stay, she worked with the Honda Laboratory (Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology) for the ECWRG-OVPAA funded project "Biochemical characterization of tyrosinase activity for optimal melanin production of Isolate H28 as microbial cell factories" in collaboration with Professor Kohsuke Honda. Dr. Obusan is currently a Visiting Professor at the said university until March 31, 2023, as she was also a Visiting Assistant Professor last academic year, from May 2021 to March 2022.
For more information, visit
For more information, visit
Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP)
50th Annual Conference
Theme: "Refocusing the Veterinary Practice in the New Normal"
held in Dusit Thani Makati on August 25-26, 2022
held in Dusit Thani Makati on August 25-26, 2022
Dr. Marie Christine Obusan presented the topic "Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria Isolated from Stranded Cetaceans in the Philippines" on behalf of her co-authors Jamaica Ann Caras and Ren Mark Villanueva of METAS Laboratory, Dr. Maria Auxilia Siringan of Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL) - Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI), Dr. Windell Rivera of Pathogen-Host-Environment Interactions Research Laboratory (PHEIRL), Institute of Biology (IB), and Dr. Lemnuel Aragones of Marine Mammal Research Stranding Laboratory (MMRSL)-Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM).
56th BIOTA National Convention Scientific Sessions & 28th AABE Biennial Conference
with the theme "Biology Research and Education in a Changing World: Recalibrating under the New Normal", held virtually on April 28-30, 2022, in partnership with the University of the Philippines Diliman and UP Institute of Biology.
METAS Laboratory member, Pierre Barbaso presented her study titled Water quality index as a tool for assessing and monitoring Laguna de Bay from 2020-2021. The study titled 'Potential lead compounds for the inhibition of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) for cancer treatment targeting the hypoxia niche' was also presented at the Young Biologist Forum, with Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan (METAS - Aquatic Principal Investigator) and Mr. Aroin Verdera (METAS graduate) as co-authors of Mr. Joseph Oliver R. Mayor and Ian Noel T. Viado. The mentioned study was a finalist in the forum and was awarded as the fourth runner up.
Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan is currently the National President of BIOTA-Phils., Inc.. METAS Laboratory members Chricel Lattao, Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, Ren Mark Villanueva, and Jamaica Ann Caras were part of the organizing committees (Virtual Logistics Committee and Secretariat Committee).
METAS Laboratory member, Pierre Barbaso presented her study titled Water quality index as a tool for assessing and monitoring Laguna de Bay from 2020-2021. The study titled 'Potential lead compounds for the inhibition of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) for cancer treatment targeting the hypoxia niche' was also presented at the Young Biologist Forum, with Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan (METAS - Aquatic Principal Investigator) and Mr. Aroin Verdera (METAS graduate) as co-authors of Mr. Joseph Oliver R. Mayor and Ian Noel T. Viado. The mentioned study was a finalist in the forum and was awarded as the fourth runner up.
Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan is currently the National President of BIOTA-Phils., Inc.. METAS Laboratory members Chricel Lattao, Hanna Hasmin Estadilla, Ren Mark Villanueva, and Jamaica Ann Caras were part of the organizing committees (Virtual Logistics Committee and Secretariat Committee).
Fieldwork at Caramoan, Camarines Sur
For the 'Bacterial Bricks Project', Production and improvement of construction materials using bacterial calcite precipitation, METAS Lab members Dr. Jessica Simbahan, Andrei Salem, and Sarah Jean Supnet went on a fieldwork in Caramoan, Camarines Sur. Swab samples from speleothem were collected from Calupnit Cave, Luyang Cave, and Patag-Belen Cave.
Online Seminar in Osaka University, Japan
Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan, held a seminar online as a Specially Appointed Assistant Professor under the Cross-appointment Agreement between University of the Philippines Diliman and Osaka University, Japan. The seminar titled 'Bridging the macro and micro: microbial interactions of earthworms and marine mammals of the Philippines' was held on January 20, 2022.
For more information, visit
For more information, visit
BIOTA Western Visayas Chapter 22nd Annual Meeting and Regional Convention
As the National BIOTA President, Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan was the keynote speaker during the BIOTA Western Visayas Chapter 22nd Annual Meeting and Regional Convention last November 26-27, 2021.
For more information, visit
For more information, visit
NSRI-MRSL Webinar: Water Microbes in Action!
During the celebration of the 2021 National Science and Technology Week last November 24, 2021, Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan was one of the speakers for the NSRI-MRSL Webinar: Water Microbes in Action! Her talk was about Biotechnological potentials of microorganisms from stressed aquatic environments.
For more information, visit
For more information, visit
ASEAN Biobank Feasibility Study Meeting
Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan is one of the representatives of the Philippines in the ASEAN Biobank Feasibility Study led by the Philippines Department of Health - Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (DOH-RITM) and Singapore under the ASEAN-Global Partnership Programme Canada. The year long project was launched virtually last October 23, 2021.
For more information, visit
For more information, visit
Asian Network of Research Resource Centers 2021 International Meeting (ANRRC 2021)
Mr. Arizaldo Castro, PhD in Biology student, won the Popular Vote Award in the recently concluded Online Poster Session of Asian Network of Research Resource Centers 2021 International Meeting (ANRRC2021). Mr. Arizaldo's poster presentation is titled 'Microbial quality indicators and environmental pollutants in drinking water and resources in Mega Manila, Philippines'.
ANRRC2021 was hosted by the National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand with the theme: 'BEYOND COVID-19: Sustainable Research Resources Management for Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy'.
Other entries from student advisees of METAS Laboratory (Aquatic) are from Ms. Jamaica Caras (MSc in Environmental Science student) and Ms. Camille Flores (MSc in Microbiology student) with Ms. Cielo Relucio-San Diego (PhD in Biology student).
Ms. Caras' poster is titled 'Bacterial collection and tissue repository from cetaceans stranded in the Philippines from 2017-2021', and is a project of METAS Lab (UP-IB), Marine Mammal Research Stranding Laboratory (UP-IESM), Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (UP-NSRI), and Pathogen-Host-Environment Interaction Laboratory (UP-IB).
Ms. Flores' and Ms. San Diego's poster is titled 'Investigation of mycoflora associated with the flowers of some ornamental and edible fruit plants in Quezon City, Philippines', which reports the findings of their own project under the Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (UP-NSRI) where they are employed.
Check out their posters from the following links:
Mr. Arizaldo Castro:
Ms. Jamaica Caras:
Ms. Camille Flores and Ms. Cielo Relucio-San Diego:
ANRRC2021 was hosted by the National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand with the theme: 'BEYOND COVID-19: Sustainable Research Resources Management for Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy'.
Other entries from student advisees of METAS Laboratory (Aquatic) are from Ms. Jamaica Caras (MSc in Environmental Science student) and Ms. Camille Flores (MSc in Microbiology student) with Ms. Cielo Relucio-San Diego (PhD in Biology student).
Ms. Caras' poster is titled 'Bacterial collection and tissue repository from cetaceans stranded in the Philippines from 2017-2021', and is a project of METAS Lab (UP-IB), Marine Mammal Research Stranding Laboratory (UP-IESM), Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (UP-NSRI), and Pathogen-Host-Environment Interaction Laboratory (UP-IB).
Ms. Flores' and Ms. San Diego's poster is titled 'Investigation of mycoflora associated with the flowers of some ornamental and edible fruit plants in Quezon City, Philippines', which reports the findings of their own project under the Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (UP-NSRI) where they are employed.
Check out their posters from the following links:
Mr. Arizaldo Castro:
Ms. Jamaica Caras:
Ms. Camille Flores and Ms. Cielo Relucio-San Diego:
Science and Innovation Budding Opportunities for Leverage (SIBOL) Technologies for the Infrastructure Industry
held on 05 October 2021, 9:00AM-12:00NN via Zoom and Facebook Live.
SIBOL is a webinar series that aims to create awareness of promising new projects and their potential impacts to the society according to their application sectors.
The project Production and Improvement of Construction Materials using Bacterial Calcite Precipitation was presented during the webinar series.
This DOST-PCIEERD funded project is headed by Dr. Jessica F. Simbahan (Project Leader, Study Leader) with Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan (Study Leader). Project support was provided Andrei John T. Salem (University Research Associate II) and Sarah Jean G. Supnet (Project Assistant III).
SIBOL is a webinar series that aims to create awareness of promising new projects and their potential impacts to the society according to their application sectors.
The project Production and Improvement of Construction Materials using Bacterial Calcite Precipitation was presented during the webinar series.
This DOST-PCIEERD funded project is headed by Dr. Jessica F. Simbahan (Project Leader, Study Leader) with Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan (Study Leader). Project support was provided Andrei John T. Salem (University Research Associate II) and Sarah Jean G. Supnet (Project Assistant III).
National Academy of Science and Technology's 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting (NAST-ASM)
with the theme: "COVID 19 Pandemic: Learning from Past, Coping with Present, Moving to the Next"
held online on 12-15 July 2021
Maria Reynalen Mapile of METAS Lab presented a study titled "Metabolic fingerprints and nutrient mineralization activities of vermicast bacteria from indigenous earthworms of Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines"
held online on 12-15 July 2021
Maria Reynalen Mapile of METAS Lab presented a study titled "Metabolic fingerprints and nutrient mineralization activities of vermicast bacteria from indigenous earthworms of Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines"
Osaka University FrontierLab Mini Program
Hanna Hasmin Estadilla of METAS Lab is accepted as a research student in the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan, under the FrontierLab Mini Program. The FrontierLab Mini is a program designed for international students to nurture their creative competency in research. The program provides opportunities of learning in the wide range of research practice, with emphasis on hands-on laboratory experience. Accepted participants will study and work with a particular research group in one of Osaka University’s science and technology fields for 2 to 12 weeks. Specifically, it offers short-term upgrading of vital research and analytical skills in the fields of Nanotechnology & Molecular Science, Life Science & Biotechnology, Systems & Robotics, Computing & Information Science, Advanced Material Science and Photon Science. Hanna will be working under the supervision of Professor Kohsuke Honda, Ph.D. of the International Center for Biotechnology, Osaka University.
with the theme: "Integrative and collaborative biology during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond"
held online on 22-24 April 2021
METAS Lab members presented their studies in the e-poster exhibit. Jamaica Caras presented their 'Updates on repository of biological samples collected from stranded cetaceans in the Phiilppines'. Aroin Verdera and Ren Mark Villanueva presented their study on 'Bioprospecting of stressed environments for microorganisms with antimicrobial nutrient mineralization, and enzymatic activities'.
held online on 22-24 April 2021
METAS Lab members presented their studies in the e-poster exhibit. Jamaica Caras presented their 'Updates on repository of biological samples collected from stranded cetaceans in the Phiilppines'. Aroin Verdera and Ren Mark Villanueva presented their study on 'Bioprospecting of stressed environments for microorganisms with antimicrobial nutrient mineralization, and enzymatic activities'.
1st Oscar M. Lopez (OML) Center Climate Resilience Challenge
Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc., a private organization that supports research, projects, and partnerships focusing on climate resilience in the Philippines, launched a competition last July 2020 that calls for innovative solutions to address challenges in Food and Water Security, Livelihood and Essential Services, and Climate Health Systems.
Jayson del Rosario of METAS Lab submitted a proposal titled "Holistic Ecosystem-based Assessment of Lotic System in Protected Areas (HEALS-PA)" which aims to evaluate the condition of streams inside protected areas using its physicochemical, biological, and functional characteristics. HEALS-PA envisions to help the local communities and government within Mts. Banahaw-San Cristobal Protected Area to manage their freshwater resources based on its current ecosystem condition. Of all the submissions across the Philippines, HEALS-PA was among the top 4 finalists of the competition.
The Philippine - American Academy of Science's 40th PAASE Anniversary &
APAMS (Annual Scientific Meeting)
with the theme: "Our Response to Covid-19: Agham at Kaalaman Para sa Bayan!"
held online on 20 July - 11 August 2020
held online on 20 July - 11 August 2020
During the online poster viewing and rapid-fire competition, Jamaica Ann Caras of METAS Lab presented the study titled "Bacteriological and Histological Findings in Cetaceans that Stranded in the Philippines from 2017 to 2019" on behalf of her co-authors Dr. Marie Christine M. Obusan and Ren Mark Villanueva of METAS Laboratory, Lara Lumang and Erika Calderon, METAS BS Graduates, Dr. Maria Auxilia Siringan of Microbiological Research and Services Laboratory (MRSL) - Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI), Dr. Windell Rivera of Pathogen-Host-Environment Interactions Research Laboratory (PHEIRL), Institute of Biology (IB), and Dr. Lemnuel V. Aragones of Marine Mammal Research Stranding Laboratory (MMRSL)-Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM).
National Academy of Science and Technology's 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting (NAST-ASM)
with the theme: "Science and Technology for Society: Solutions to Long-standing Concerns"
held online on 8-9 July 2020
Sarah Jean Supnet, Eloisa Victoria Caballero, and Raymond Parcon of METAS Lab presented a study titled "Marilao-Meycauayan-Obando River System (MMORS) Harbors Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria at High Contamination Risk", while "Metabolic Diversity of Microbial Communities and Characterization of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria from Soils of Los Banos, Laguna"
held online on 8-9 July 2020
Sarah Jean Supnet, Eloisa Victoria Caballero, and Raymond Parcon of METAS Lab presented a study titled "Marilao-Meycauayan-Obando River System (MMORS) Harbors Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria at High Contamination Risk", while "Metabolic Diversity of Microbial Communities and Characterization of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria from Soils of Los Banos, Laguna"
11th Asian Network of Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) Meeting
was held last 16-18 October 2019 in SEARCA, UP Los Baños
with the theme: "BioResource Centers: Infrastructure for Biodiversity Conservation, Biotechnology and Biomedicine" organized by the UPLB Museum of Natural History with assistance from the METAS Aquatic Lab's Principal Investigator Dr. Marie Christine Obusan as the Secretariat, and some METAS Lab members Jamaica Ann Caras, Ren Mark Villanueva, Aroin Verdera, and Hannah Shane Soriano as Secretariat Staff |
The same METAS Lab members also presented their posters under the non-competing category. Jamaica Caras presented their study on the " Establishment of Marine Mammal Tissue Repository for Emerging Studies in the Philippines", while Aroin Verdera presented his study on "A Collection of Bacteria with Promising Biodegradation Activities from the Highly Polluted Meycauayan River, Philippines". Ren Mark Villanueva presented their study on "Molecular Detection and Seroprevalence of Leptospira spp. in Cetaceans stranded in the Philippines". Another METAS Lab member Jayson del Rosario presented his study on the "Water Quality Assessment of Puray River, Rizal, Philippines using Benthic Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators" under the competing category.
7th Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN) National Symposium
with the theme: "Mainstreaming PMMSN: Communicating Marine Mammal Stranding Response and Developing
the Power to Speak a Universal Language"
held last 3-4 October 2019 in Avenue Plaza Hotel, Naga City
the Power to Speak a Universal Language"
held last 3-4 October 2019 in Avenue Plaza Hotel, Naga City
METAS Lab members Jamaica Caras and Ren Mark Villanueva (not shown in photos) presented their studies on "Bacterial Collection (2017-2018) from Stranded Cetaceans in the Philippines" and "Genetic Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii in Fraser's Dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) from Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur, Philippines", respectively.
(Photo credits to BFAR Bikol Facebook Page @bfarbikol) |
ASEAN-India Training Workshop on Emerging Technologies for
Young Biotechnology Professionals from ASEAN Member States
held last 20-28 September 2019 in CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology,
Sukhdev Vihar, Mathura Road, New Delhi, India
organized by the Government of India's Council of Scientific and Industrial Research - Institute of Genomics and
Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB), in cooperation with the ASEAN-India Science
and Technology Development Fund (AISTDF) and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
Sukhdev Vihar, Mathura Road, New Delhi, India
organized by the Government of India's Council of Scientific and Industrial Research - Institute of Genomics and
Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB), in cooperation with the ASEAN-India Science
and Technology Development Fund (AISTDF) and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
Thirty-five participants were chosen from South East Asian nations (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar,
Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, and Philippines) who were researchers, M.S. and Ph.D. students,
and lecturers. Four participants were chosen from the Philippines, including Hanna Hasmin Estadilla of METAS Lab.
Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, and Philippines) who were researchers, M.S. and Ph.D. students,
and lecturers. Four participants were chosen from the Philippines, including Hanna Hasmin Estadilla of METAS Lab.
The seminar-workshop aimed to increase understanding of contemporary topics of basic biology and everyday emerging techniques, and to discuss topics that could bring valuable research and development in the participants' respective country. It covered lectures and hands-on training of various advanced techniques in the field of genomics, microbial pathogenesis, nanobiotechnology, food, agriculture, and artificial intelligence, with special attention on their applications in academics and industries.
48th Philippine Society for Microbiology Convention
held last 18-19 July 2019 at Clark Marriott Hotel, Pampanga
with the theme: "Promoting One Health through Microbiology Education, Research and Practice"
with the theme: "Promoting One Health through Microbiology Education, Research and Practice"
Andrei John Salem presented his study on bacterial bricks
for the Best Paper Competition (non-professional category).
for the Best Paper Competition (non-professional category).
Margareth Del Isagan and Liezel Atole presented their study on endophytic bacteria as
potential biofertilizers, and as L-asparaginase producers, respectively, both under
Best Poster Competition (professional category). Santiago Emil Joson IV also presented a study on
oil degradation of MMORS-isolated bacteria under the same division.
potential biofertilizers, and as L-asparaginase producers, respectively, both under
Best Poster Competition (professional category). Santiago Emil Joson IV also presented a study on
oil degradation of MMORS-isolated bacteria under the same division.
National Academy of Science and Technology's 41st Annual Scientific Meeting (NAST-ASM)
with the theme: "Caring for the Country's Carrying Capacity"
held on 10-11 July 2019 at EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong
held on 10-11 July 2019 at EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong
Academician William Padolina, 41st ASM Resolutions Committee Chair, presented the resolutions which
focused on quality education, responsible consumption and production, and aquatic life.
(Photo credits to
focused on quality education, responsible consumption and production, and aquatic life.
(Photo credits to
Maria Reynalen Mapile and Aroin Verdera presented their study on N-fixation and P-solubilizing activities of
earthworm gut-associated bacteria, and melanin production of bacteria isolated from
polluted river sediment, respectively, under Dr. Marie Christine Obusan.
earthworm gut-associated bacteria, and melanin production of bacteria isolated from
polluted river sediment, respectively, under Dr. Marie Christine Obusan.
Liezel Atole and Raymond Parcon presented their study on the antifungal activity of leaf endophyte,
while Sarah Jean Supnet presented her study on the metabolic profile of earthworm gut-associated bacteria,
under Dr. Jessica Simbahan.
while Sarah Jean Supnet presented her study on the metabolic profile of earthworm gut-associated bacteria,
under Dr. Jessica Simbahan.
CHED K to 12 (DARE TO) Program on "Harnessing Palawan Indigenous Earthworm Species and their Gut Microbiota for Degradation of Disposable Diaper" Planning Workshop
attended by research team members of the Lead HEI from the Institute of Biology, UP Diliman, and by collaborators
from Western Philippines University, Puerto Princesa Campus, Palawan
on 1-3 July 2019 in UP Diliman
from Western Philippines University, Puerto Princesa Campus, Palawan
on 1-3 July 2019 in UP Diliman
The CHED-Earthworm Program team members presented their accomplishments and plans for the coming year. UP Diliman members conducted a demonstration of microbe isolation from earthworm gut and plating on selective media. On the second day, they visited Los Baños Folia Tropica, producer and manufacturer of high quality premium compost and compost-based plant propagation mixes and other specialty products through earthworm vermicomposting. It was founded in 1988 and owned by Prof. Raymundo Lucero, currently a lecturer of UP Open University, Faculty of Management and Development Studies.
2019 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability (ISCES 2019)
hosted by the United Nations Environment - Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD)
held last 10-15 June 2019 in Shanghai, China, with a topic on "Air Pollution"
held last 10-15 June 2019 in Shanghai, China, with a topic on "Air Pollution"
The event was set to engage more students who are interested in the issues of environment and sustainability, and to promote practices and concepts of sustainable development among university students.
Arizaldo Castro attended the ISCES 2019 and presented his study on using microbial forensics as a tool in understanding naturally-occurring infectious diseases. |
Seminar on "The Philippine Earthworms Diversity and the Shift from Applied to Basic Research"
delivered by Dr. Nonillon M. Aspe,
Professor at Mindanao State University at Naawan, College of Science and Environment,
on 17 May 2019 at the Institute of Biology, UP Diliman
Professor at Mindanao State University at Naawan, College of Science and Environment,
on 17 May 2019 at the Institute of Biology, UP Diliman
Workshop on Collection, Taxonomic Identification, and Dissection of Earthworms
hosted by METAS Lab, in collaboration with Nonillon M. Aspe, Ph.D.,
held last 16 May 2019 at the Institute of Biology, UP Diliman
held last 16 May 2019 at the Institute of Biology, UP Diliman
1st International Symposium and Training Workshop on Microbial Utilization, and
20th MSP Anniversary and 6th Annual AnMicro Conference and iCollect Workshop
hosted by the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH) and
Southeast Asian Research Center for Agriculture (SEARCA), UP Los Baños held last 27 April 2019
with the theme: "Strengthening ASEAN Linkages in Fungal Diversity Conservation Utilization"
Southeast Asian Research Center for Agriculture (SEARCA), UP Los Baños held last 27 April 2019
with the theme: "Strengthening ASEAN Linkages in Fungal Diversity Conservation Utilization"
Margareth Del Isagan won 3rd Place in the Oral Presentation for her study on biofungicide development.
Rio Janina Arenas and Reniel Joseph Cruz, undergraduate thesis advisees,
participated in the poster presentation.
participated in the poster presentation.
Genome Assembly, Annotation, and Variant Calling Workshop
spearheaded by the Core Facility for Bioinformatics of the Philippine Genome Center in UP Diliman
held last 5-8 March 2019
held last 5-8 March 2019
METAS Lab project leaders and research staff together with the PGC workshop facilitators
METAS Lab members during the PGC bioinformatics workshop
2nd Philippine Symposium on Freshwater Biodiversity and Ecosystems
hosted by the Institute of Biology, UP Diliman held last 11-14 December 2018
Aroin Verdera won the Best Student Poster Presentation for his research on polyethylene-degrading bacteria.
(Photo credits to Jonathan Madrid of UP MPRO)
(Photo credits to Jonathan Madrid of UP MPRO)